Event details
Dates: 24-27 June 2019
Location: European Commmission Grange
Dunsany, Co. Meath, Ireland, C15 DA 39
Event background
Under a memorandum of understanding with the Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) carries out audits of the controls implemented by competent authorities and control bodies for organic production and geographical indications. In recent years, around 12 such audits have been carried per year in both EU Member States and Third Countries exporting to the EU.

To increase or supplement the expertise of the audit teams, they in most cases include a Member State expert in the topic at hand. Having Member State representatives ("national experts") included, also serves the purpose of increasing the knowledge and confidence amongst Member States of and in each other's control systems, the controls of the products imported into the EU and the auditing work of the Commission. Finally, it is also hoped that it will further the sharing of good practices across Member States.
For further details please see