Presentations, List of participants, videorecording, poll results and pictures of the EU Consumer Summit 2020 are now available!


List of participants


Presentations: Workshops- Day 1

Workshop 1: Artificial Intelligence

Workshop 2: Lone Rasmussen - Safety and consumer protection in online trade  and questions                    

Workshop 3: Fairness in the digital environment and questions

                     Edwin Van Houten - Guidelines protection of the online consumer

Workshop 4: Financial services in the digital age 

Workshop 5: Responsible lending and indebtedness

Workshop 6: Product durability and the circular economy

                     Anton Berwald - Is there a general problem with product durability, reparability or "planned obsolescence"?

                     Killian Kaminski - The online marketplace for Refurbished electronics

Workshop 7: Cecilia Tissel - Fighting greenwashing

Workshop 8: Markus Tehro - Consumer information to reduce their foortprint and questions

Reporting of Day 1

Presentations: Workshops- Day 2

Plenary room

Lucia A. Reisch - Policy making for sustainable consumption

All topics

Reporting of Day 2


Gallery pictures, please click here. poll results, click here.

Twitter conversation, click here 


Webstreaming: video recording

Day 1: click here

Day 2: click here

Day 2: Closing, click here