Event details
Dates: 26 September 2019
Location: The EGG Brussels
Rue Bara 175, Brussels 1070
Event background

Commissioner Violeta BULC is pleased to welcome you to the Conference launching a network of diversity ambassadors for the transport sector.
During the conference, you will have the opportunity to exchange with Commissioner Bulc, to network and to reflect with others on the role of ambassadors as well as on the best ways to liaise and cooperate. After the meeting, a guidance document will be shared with each participant based on the outcome of the discussions. You will be formally asked to confirm your commitment to become an ambassador at this further stage.
What is the role of diversity ambassadors?
This will be discussed during the Conference. 
The main task of ambassadors will be to promote the importance of having diverse workforces for the transport sector. They will disseminate information about measures that can be taken (see for instance the examples listed under the Webpage of the Women in Transport-EU Platform for Change https://ec.europa.eu/transport/themes/social/women-transport-eu-platform-change_en ). They will also be encouraged to take various other initiatives at their level, bearing in mind the need to keep things flexible to accommodate each ambassador’s circumstances.
Who can be a diversity ambassador? 
Anyone committed to the idea of achieving more diversity in the transport sector! We are looking for ambassadors from all genders and representing all transport sectors. Ambassadors’ profiles should be diverse from students to female and male transport workers, from technicians to managers. Civil servants, politicians, civil society associations, academics are also welcome to join the network. There is no selection process as such, we rely on individual commitments, the network can be very wide. We would however welcome ambassadors with a sufficient command of the English language to ease communication between ambassadors.